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- ED - Graduate School
Graduate schools are institutions or parts of institutions, implementing doctoral training.
Doctoral education is a research training, research and innovation, which can be accomplished by initial or continuing training. She is an experienced research professional, sanctioned, after defending a thesis, by confer the degree of doctor.
The decree of August 7, 2006, signed by the Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research and by the Minister for Higher Education and Research formalizes and clarifies all aspects doctoral training.
Technological Research Team - ERTint
Internal Technological Research Team - PRES - Pôle de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur
A PRES is a Cluster for Higher Education and Research. The first PRES were created in 2006 by the "guidance law of programme and research".
The PRES allow universities, high schools and research organizations to coordinate their various devices, to share their activities and resources.
Their objective is primarily to propose a more coherent offer of research and training programmes, an offer that would be clearer and better suited to the needs of the territories.
Early 2011, there are 21 PRES, and new are also planned to be set up in the coming months. - S T I C
Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication - U M R
A joint research unit is an administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement between one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization and the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). - UMR_A
Administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement with one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization with INRA (Institut de Recherche Agronomique) - UMR_C
Administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement with one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization with CIRAD (Centre International de Recherche AGronomique pour le développement) - UMR_D
Administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement with one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization with IRD ( Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) - UMR_E
Administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement with one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization with CEA (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique) - UMR_F
Administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement with one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization with CEMAGREF (Research Institut in Environment Sciences and Technologies) - UMR_I
Administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement with one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization with INRIA ( Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) - UMR_M
Administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement with one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization with IFREMER (French Research Institut for Exploitation of Oceans) - UMR_P
Joint Unit for Educational Research - UMR_S
Administrative entity created by the signing of a partnership agreement with one or more research laboratories of an institution of higher education (including university) or a research organization with INSERM (Institut National Health and Medical Research) - UPR
Own Research unit : entity related to several French public research center, such as the CNRS, CIRAD, INRA, INSERM.