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Aeronautics graduate schools

Graduate schools

ED 397 - Paris (75)
Physique et Chimie des Matériaux

Field: Physics and chemistry of materials

General information

Aerospace topics of interest to the graduate school


+ Expertise fields

- Materials for catalysis, reactivity, inorganic-organic hybrids
- Functional materials (optics, magnetism, biomaterials...)
- materials for energic
- Polymers : molecular organisation and properties
- Nanostructured materials, nanomagnetism, spintronics
- Mesoscopic Physics, granularity, clusters, surfaces

+ PRES or University affiliation

PRES Sorbonne Universities
12 Place du Panthéon
75005 Paris
Tel: 01 44 41 55 01/02

+ Institution supporting the Graduate School

University Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
tel : 01 44 27 44 27
fax : 01 44 27 38 29

+ Partners or joint institutions

Chimie ParisTech
École nationale supérieure de chimie de Paris
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 PARIS Cedex 05
Tél : 01 44 27 66 72
Fax : 01 43 29 20 59

ESPCI ParisTech
10, rue Vauquelin
75231 Paris cedex 05
+33 1 40 79 44 00

Collège de France
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
75231 Paris Cedex 05
Standard :

CEA Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique

+ Industrial partnerships

CEA, Saint-Gobin, Alcatel ou Thales, EADS, Peugeot,
EDF, Michelin, Total, Arkema, Rhodia Solvay, Photonia, Art-FI

+ Components of the Graduate School (Laboratories, UMR,..)

UMR-7610 Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères (LCP) P6/CNRS
UMR-7615 Physico-chimie des Polymères et Milieux Dispersés (PPMD) ESPCI/P6/CNRS
UMR-7609 Laboratoire de Réactivité de surface (LRS) P6/CNRS
UMR-7574 Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris (LCMCP) P6/ENSCP/CNRS
UMR-7590 Institut de minéralogie et de physique des milieux condensés (IMPMC) P6/P7/IPGP/CNRS
UMR-7588 Institut des Nanosciences de Paris (INSP) P6/P7/CNRS
UMR-8551 Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain (LPA) ENS/P6/P7/CNRS
UMR-7075 LADIR, Nanophases et solides hétérogènes P6/CNRS
UMR-7167 Matière molle et chimie ESPCI/CNRS
UPR-20 Laboratoire de photonique et nanostructures (LPN) Alcatel/CNRS
UMR-125 Surface du Verre et Interfaces (SVI) Saint-Gobain/CNRS
UMR-137 Unité mixte de physique Thales/CNRS
UMR-104 Laboratoire d’Étude des Microstructures (LEM) ONERA/CNRS
UPR-A0005 Laboratoire Photons et Matière (LPEM) P6/ESPCI/CNRS
UMR-171 Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF) Ministère Culture/CNRS
Chaire des Matériaux pour l’Énergie, Collège de France, Paris

+ Complementary training given by the Graduate School

Courses organized by the Maison des Ecoles Doctorales of the UPMC
Summer schools recommended by the Doctoral School
Occasional courses organized by the Doctoral School

+ Complementary information

The Doctoral school is a member of two international programs:
- IDS FunMat. International Doctoral School in Functional Materials, an International Doctoral Programme funded by the ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme of the European Union.
- PCAM. Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials.

Last update of the form: 2014/09/30